Vintage Sand

Vintage Sand Episode 44: "Asa Nisi Masa:" 8 1/2 at Sixty



“Asa Nisi Masa:” 8 ½ at Sixty It is an intriguing coincidence that perhaps the two greatest films ever made about the creative breakthroughs and heartbreaks involved in making a film are both celebrating major anniversaries in 2023. First, Federico Fellini’s raucous, post-modern celebration of his own creative process, "8 ½" turns sixty. It’s important to note, though, that while we see no filmmaking in that film, the actual portrayal of the logistical and emotional vicissitudes of film creation are very much at the heart of François Truffaut’s much-beloved "Day for Night", which itself turns fifty this year. We will focus most of our time in this episode on Fellini’s film, taking our intrepid listeners on a tour that begins with an opening that stands as the most brilliant metaphor for creative blockage ever put on film, all the way through the end with the circus band playing Nino Rota’s indelible march as every character we’ve seen from the director’s past and present joins hands and dances in perhaps the