Solo Parent Society

How to Avoid Parental Alienation



In this episode, we will gain valuable insights into how to avoid parental alienation. We go beyond the conventional textbook definition of Parental Alienation often thrown around in legal proceedings. Instead, we explore practical solutions to prevent alienation that can even inadvertently occur. We will discover how to navigate the natural tendency to allow anger towards an ex-partner to seep over and impact our children. Parents need to take ownership of their feelings and actions to prevent alienating their kids from the other parent. Research shows that the success rate of kids significantly increases when both parents are involved. Of course, there are exceptions to this in cases of abuse or addiction. In addition to discussing how to avoid parental alienation in the context of separated parents, we also explore the challenges faced by widows/widowers, such as managing memories, in-law family relationships, and situations where children may exhibit character traits like our ex-partner. We will explore p