Are You Being Present?

Episode 76 - Calm Down in the Present Moment



The Presence Projects presents episode 76 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a state of being that will allow for more peace, Presence and prosperity in the Present Moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Calm Down in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul spends time providing guidance regarding what it means to be calm and how to achieve, and maintain, a calmer inner and outer reality.  Being calm is a feeling space that many people deeply desire, yet so of us many find elusive suffering needlessly in negative states of emotion like resistance and resentment.  A lack of Presence and an unguarded ego will cause self-inflicted suffering using thoughts of the past or worries of the future making it very difficult to be calm as we go throughout our lives.  Paul provides guidance on how to become calm and how we can use Presence tools to settle the mind, body and spirit. As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Pr