Are You Being Present?

Episode 77 - Seeking Safety and Security in the Present Moment



The Presence Projects presents episode 77 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a pivotal podcast that targets a very specific issue everyone on Earth is confronted with at some point in their reality. The title and topic of this episode is “Seeking Safety and Security in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul shares his Present seconds diving into a subject that deeply affects each individual and is woven into the very fabric of life in the third dimension.  Because of how revelant a subject like safety and security is to everyone it is imperative that we begin to see how societal programming (the matrix) has created and implemented negative motivators that lend to the belief that we are not, and will never be, safe and secure which is a fallacy leading to self-inflicted suffering. While it is true that there are people currently experiencing situations where they are not safe, there are also large groups of people who are safe and secure yet their belief systems, and egos, lead