Teacher Magazine (acer)

Teacher Staffroom Episode 44: Celebrating sustainability



According to new data from the annual Mission Australia Youth Survey, the environment is now the number one concern for young people. In fact, of the 18,800 young people aged 15 to 19 who took part in the latest survey, 51% identified the environment as one of the most important issues in Australia compared to 38% in 2021 and 30% in 2020. The results show that 26% of young people were ‘extremely’ or ‘very concerned’ about climate change. In today’s episode of Teacher Staffroom, we're going to run through some of the ways that schools are tackling issues of sustainability in their communities, both here in Australia and internationally. We’ll also highlight some contributions we featured on Teacher this month and bring you up to speed on what we’ve been working on here at the magazine. Host: Rebecca Vukovic