Milan Obsession

The 10th Anniversary Episode



This podcast has somehow survived for ten years... barely. And the blog has been around even longer, for twelve years, with over 2500 posts celebrating Milan. To celebrate these shocking accomplishments, I invited two very special guests on the show, my own Massimo and Sofia. They shared their Milan origin stories, we talked about news and recent matches, and then we shared some of my proudest, most epic moments as a Milan mom. On this Episode: • Milan Origin Stories • News of the Week • Injury Update • Recent Matches • Proud Milan Mom Stories A special thanks to all of those who have been guests on the podcasts, as well as all of those who listen. My heartfelt thanks, too, for everyone who has contributed to, read, or commented on the blog, as well as all of the amazing people I've met via social media. It has been an incredible twelve years. And thanks especially to Massimo and Sofia for supporting my Milan obsession all of these years. I am so proud to have the smartest kids in the world and th