

It's Christmastime! And we're back in our recently cleaned studio for a new episode. It's so nice to longer be podcasting in our own filth. Speaking of Christmas, we've climbed about the Peppermint Choo Choo (choo choo!). What is the Peppermint Choo Choo, you're wondering? We actually have no idea. We talked about our experience with an online "debtor education course" we had to take as part of our bankruptcy. Then, because Hyper Nonsense is a tech show, we talked about how Apple's Boot Camp and Time Capsule are horrible technologies that should be banned from the world. We read some listener feedback. And more! Choo choo: Get "Peppermint Choo Choo" as part of Andy Cirzan's 2014 Christmas compilation. Poor people should use coupons and also buy things used. Money = freedom! Some social workers are better than others. Thanks to everyone who left comments and/or send e-mail since the last show! What is the point in history when peppermint became a holiday flavor? Phantom of Power: the arch nem