Are You Being Present?

Episode 75 - Are You Responding or Reacting in the Present Moment?



The Presence Projects presents episode 75 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on two very different ways in which we can handle situations with people, places and things throughout our Present Moments. The title and topic of this episode is “Are You Responding or Reacting in the Present Moment?".  In this podcast Paul brings attention to the differences, and potential results, between a reaction or a response in the Present Moment.  Reactions typically happen very quickly and are fueled by emotion while being led by the ego.  They can cause a person to say and do things that are not in their best interest leading to undesirable collateral damage.  There are many reasons why reactions are so prevalent within the third dimensional matrix since this reality is filled with tension, stress, anxiety and adversity.  Being in a state of reaction appears to be a more common form of societal, and interpersonal, interaction that leads to much suffering and negativity.  P