Wellseekers With Lucia

The Power of Nutrition in Recovery from Addiction



Welcome back to WellSeekers as we continue with part three of our six part series focusing on addiction and recovery. In this series, we’ll share amazing conversations, personal stories, and most importantly solutions; all from a holistic perspective. We’ll not only talk about addiction and treatment, but also topics on how relationships, nutrition, exercise and fun all play into recovery as well for those who struggle and also the ones they love. On today’s show, we welcome Kelly Miller, Nutritional Therapist and CCAR certified Recovery Coach, as we talk about how nutrition can play a powerful role in recovery from addiction. Kelly shares her own personal story of how she found her passion for helping people in recovery through research and the science of nutrition. We also demystify how proper nutrition can stabilize mood and specifically help with symptoms of Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) that sometimes lead to relapse, and how it can help with healing and realizing freedoms from cravings in recove