Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

487-The Power of Electrolytes-My Story



Visit Harvest Eating Now! When it comes to electrolytes I did not know very much until about 8 mos ago. You’d think with my athletic background which spanned the gamut from decades of ice hockey at a serious level, tennis, mountain biking, and even mountain bike racing that I would be familiar with electrolytes, but no. Aside from Gatorade which I hate, I really was not aware that average people, or anyone not a paid athlete, can benefit from electrolyte consumption. I followed the “health experts” who said to drink 8 glasses of water each day, more if you’re sweating, but they were always demonizing salts in every form. Remember a low-sodium, low-fat, and plant-based diet is best…! We’ve all heard this nonsense from the FDA on sodium intake, I think it’s crap. I even listened to my own doctors who pretty much caused an electrolyte deficiency by prescribing medications that cause fluid and mineral loss and then double-downed with advice to take other prescriptions to help with symptoms caused by the prior m