Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep482 Ramp Up Ramp Down



You have the ability to control your emotions, mental state and arousal levels. This could be one of the best performance hacks you can possess. Most of you go through life thinking that your mental state is a response to the stressors in your surroundings. This is only true if you allow yourself to be affected by the moment instead of owning the moment. First tee jitters? That's on you! Stage fright? You don't have to crap your pants at the thought of bombing. You are in control. In this episode, I touch on the tools that I share in more depth in my book DreamBIG, OverDELIVER, BeUNDENIABLE. You need to master the art of ramping up and ramping down your state of mind to perform at the highest level. Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" Thank you to