Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

328: How To (and Why You Should) Love Your Adrenals with Hope Pedraza



Do you feel tired but wired? Have trouble sleeping? Brain fog? Trouble losing weight? It’s time to pay attention to two small endocrine glands that sit right on top of the kidneys, called your adrenals. The adrenals release several hormones, including cortisol. Cortisol’s main role is to prepare your body to interact with the external environment (such as to run from danger). And if cortisol levels are too high, or too low, it’s very likely you’ll have a hard time losing weight. When it comes to weight loss, we have been taught for years that to lose weight we must push harder: eat less, fast, go low carb, and do high intensity interval training. And while those tactics might work for some, they don’t work for many women, especially if you’re already leading a full life: work, family, caring for parents and a brain that doesn’t seem to turn off. I am delighted to chat with a fellow FDN, Hope Pedraza on the importance of supporting our adrenals so that we live a fit, vibrant and healthy life. In this interview