Video Game Generations

Episode 131: The 'Get Off My Lawn' Award



Free game codes return this week, with Broken Age on GOG and Eidolon on Steam. They're one-use codes, so the first listener to redeem them gets them. Let us know via email or Twitter if you redeem one or both. There are plenty more to come over the next few weeks, mostly for games on Steam. If you have an OUYA, though, let me know, because I also have a Broken Age code on OUYA you can have. There wasn't any email this week, but we have news, new releases, and a long-dormant Time Travel segment where I correct and revisit a few things from last week's huge year-end wrap-up episode. This leads into my top ten list for the week, in which I talk briefly about the games from 2016 I didn't play, but hope to in 2017. Addie's Mobile Game of the Week is Bowmasters (iOS). In two separate pre-recorded segments, I review The Fall (PS4) and Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4). The ending music this week is from Gravity Rush. It's the old town theme, from the game's first area, and it somehow reminds me of music from Ni No Kuni!