Are You Being Present?

Episode 72 - Why Is It So Hard to Be Present?



The Presence Projects presents episode 72 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a question everyone will ask and seek answers for in hopes of gaining relief and guidance through times of challenge and adversity while working on oneself. The title and topic of this episode is “Why Is It So Hard to Be Present?".  In this podcast Paul takes the opportunity to share one of the most common questions he's asked while teaching Presence and Mindfulness to the patients he works with.  Being Present can be very difficult at times, especially in the beginning, depending on the variety of subjective experiences encountered.  He explains, and explores, the ego, which is a matrix mind construct, that he knows to be the biggest obstacle to Presence.  Paul goes into depth about what the ego is and how it manipulates, distracts, complicates and creates self-inflicted suffering that makes being Present seem so hard. As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that