Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 026 – A Personal Holiday Message from FUMS (Kathy Reagan Young)



Today’s episode is a special one. The holiday season is kicking off and it could really be hectic and stressful for anyone, but especially for we MS’ers. I just want to take a minute to remind you to take a moment for yourself. As people with MS, we have to be extremely mindful of our stress load. The holiday season should be a time for relaxation and celebrating with family, friends and loved ones. Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, not stressed over. And so I’m here to remind you to take a deep breath, let go of the things that stress you out, and come up with a plan to lessen your load. Whatever that is, decide right now that you’re going to do everything in your power to reduce the holiday stress. In this episode, I share helpful tips and suggestions you can utilize to better enjoy the holiday season! Wishing you all a wonderful and (hopefully) healthy, happy holiday season! In this episode we discuss: Helpful tips and suggestions to help you in preparation for the holiday season. How to lessen your stress