Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 028 – Important Supplements for MS Patients with Caroline Craven



My first returning guest, Caroline Craven a.k.a the Girl with MS (from the website girlwithms.com), is back to talk about the wonderful benefits we can get from vitamins and supplements. Caroline is a motivational speaker, freelance writer and has won Best MS Blog several years in a row. She’s also a life coach, and – oh yeah, she has MS. She has toured the country promoting healthier living for MS patients through stress management, healthy eating, and a positive attitude. Now, she’s our repeat contributor for tools, tips, and resources she finds along the way. In this episode we talk about various vitamins and supplements: Vitamin D is critical for us. That’s why it’s very important to have an adequate amount of this nutrient from the food we eat. Sun exposure is also important as our skin produces large amounts of vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Sunshine exposure is necessary for better sleep and to get our serotonin going. Gingko Biloba Good for fatigue and helps in improving cognitive function. The re