Fuzzy Logic Science Show

They knew but they did it anyway



They knew it then, they know it now, and yet they still do it. Fossil fuel companies are driving the planet - and us along with it - towards climate induced oblivion. While the anti-science tactics of the tobacco industry inflicts death and illness among a huge number of people, climate change is doing that on a global scale. In the process, they have co-opted the levers of government and public institutions that should be steering us towards a safer future. The question is why? Why drives industry and captive governments towards disaster? In this, the true meaning of 'sustainability' has been ignored. With his history inside the coal industry, Ian Dunlop has a unique insight into this story and today is an ardent voice for action on climate change. Ian Dunlop is a contributing author of Sustainability and the New Economics, edited by Stephen Williams and Rod Taylor. This interview by Rod is one of a series with authors from that book. You'll find more interviews at https://sustainabilityandtheneweconomics.bl