Dungeon Saga Podcast

Ep 11 – Talking to RAEX Games About Kromore 2145, a New Cyber Steam Role Playing Game (RPG)



In this episode Colin’s talking to T. Julian Bell from RAEX Games. They’re soon releasing a new setting for their RAEX gaming system called Kromore 2145, a Cyber-Steam setting as they call it. It’ll be coming out in Q1 2014. You can try out an abridged version of the game in the meantime though – there’s free public version of their Core Rulebook available on the RAEX games website. In the interview Julian takes us through the RAEX system and tells us his thoughts on game design, and how to make an engaging game. Here are a couple of links to find out a bit more information on both Julian and RAEX Games, and make sure to look out for the Kromore 2145 Kickstarter when it releases later this month. This is actually only part 1 of the interview – Julian and I had a pretty long chat! Part 2 will be released soon and is all around how to go about setting yourself up as a pro games designer. Julian tells us his tips and tricks for getting into the games industry, getting a producer and getting yourself published.