Filene Research Institute

Filene Fill-In Ep 78: An Innovation POV in 2023 with MDC



Sarah Lietz, Chief Experience Officer, MDC and Christie Kimbell, Chief Product Officer, Filene Research Institute provide insights and updates on what is happening in the most innovative pockets of the credit union and financial services space today and how growth-minded leaders can take advantage of innovative ideas to gain a new POV in 2023. In this episode, we dig into their decades of exploration into learning, growing and keeping up with innovation personally, professional and organizationally. Here are a few highlights on the insights they share: Tip 1 – it’s okay to have help when things are overwhelming -- credit unions swim in a collaborative community and innovation support is out there for you if you want it. Our networks are our secret weapons to make our work better, faster and easier. Tip 2 – it’s a mindset flip to move to thinking about your services embedded into experiences instead of spaces. Start envisioning your financial products serving moments. Tip 3 – jump in and explore somethi