Oath Of Nicole

Ep 6| Stewarding Our Time and Getting Unstuck



Happy Wednesday,In today's episode, I share the importance of stewarding our time and resources. I reviewed the life of the four leprous men in 2 King 7. You know, all one of them had was a thought, "if I don't make a change, we all will die here; let's move forward and see what happens." I paraphrased the statement, but the principle is there.Sometimes in life, we find ourselves stuck doing the mundane things life. Deep down in our hearts, we feel there is more, and God has a greater plan than what's before us. But still, most don't move forward because of the weight of life. These weights can be fear, insecurity, regret, shame, ungodly relationships, and much more. Life is likened to a race; we run at a certain speed to get to the finished line. When we are weighed down, mentally and emotionally, it can slow even the best of us down. Hebrews 12:1 says this 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin