Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

327: Do This to Stay Focused On Your Goals



Maybe you want to eat better, drink less wine, go to bed by 10 or floss your teeth regularly. But.... "I do well for a while, and then life gets in the way and I slip back to old habits" "I can stick with it for a while, but then I just stop doing it!""I'm really good at starting, I just can't seem to keep going"  If so, you're in the right place. We THINK that creating a plan (even a realistic plan) is enough, but it's not. You must have a process to stay focused on your goals. Every. Single. Day.  In this podcast, I share a simple process to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind so that you no longer forget you had  a weight loss goal when work gets busy or there's donuts in the staff room.  I'm glad you're here because you deserve to feel good. -Tanja x When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help. ⭐️  FREE Quiz: Uncover Your Weight Loss Roadblock. Take this 2 minute quiz get your personalized 3 step plan to breakthrough what's keeping you stuck.  ⭐️ Get