

“It's important to regard failure as an event and not a person.” Tweet ThisOn your unique journey to a more balanced and successful life, failure is inevitable. One of the biggest obstacles to achieving your goals is separating your sense of self from any particular instance of failure (2:44). Rather than labeling yourself as a failure after a tough setback or challenge, shift your perspective and simply view the failure for what it was: an event.“Failure is not the opposite of success; it's a prerequisite.” Tweet ThisResearch (or quickly Google ; ) the autobiography of any one of your favorite heroes and you will notice that each and every one has essentially failed their way toward success (5:02). Here are a few ways setbacks can be overcome more easily... (9:48):Continuing to move forward assertivelyFrequently attempting new and challenging thingsIdentify a "winning" modelReverse engineering the desired outcomeWhile almost everyone tends to overestimate what they can accomplish in the short term, they gros