Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! Roberto Paleco~ Founder, Research Can; Trailblazing Cannabis Scientist & Researcher, Australia



Roberto Paleco joined us in our “virtual land” to discuss his amazing journey and career as a Medical Researcher/Scientist, Entrepreneur, from Australia, Italian born. He started a company to do research and clinical trials "for hire" to bridge the gap in the Australian medical cannabis industry. Roberto has a passion for nature and chemistry. After years of studying and working in the field as a medical researcher, Roberto decided to work on medical cannabis research entirely, which led him to create ResearchCan. He has a passion for natural medicine, mind-body connection, and chemistry of the body, which made him study different diseases and therapies. He understands that there are people who are suffering and dying that could be helped in different, but simple, ways than the pharma norm.Roberto mentions the gastrointestinal microbiome. It's something that I just learned about in probably the last five or six years. As someone who was on a bunch of pharmaceuticals, the impact on the gastrointestinal system