Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! What Really Matters~Katherine Caulfield, Quantum Freedom, Author, Healer, Astrologer & Mystic



It was our pleasure to speak with Katherine Caulfield on TSC Talks. Katy is an author, energy healer, astrologer and mystic "focused on self-love, self-healing and holistic wellness through uniting the spiritual and physical realms". Jill crossed paths with her when given the gift of a channeled healing through past podcast guest, Dorina Leslie. Not familiar with this modality of healing, I had no idea what to expect, was concerned I was going to "screw it up" and was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I received some poignant insight and feedback which helped significantly and thought it would be great to have Katy on to share her own story of how she got into this line of work, as well as how she was led to channel 9 books, her kundalini awakening and thoughts on our current state of affairs with covid.From her website, "Inspired by her own eye-opening spiritual and Kundalini awakening in 2013, Katherine began to follow her heart, her curiosity, her passions and to remember why she had incarnated on Earth