Mob Rules Mobcast | A Warhammer 40k Podcast

Episode 30: Sitting around the campfire talking about Iron Hands.



Lets talk about Iron Hands baby, lets talk about you and me, hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm humidity hum hum I forgot the rest of the song.   This bit follow up the discussion of the Iron hands that started last episode with the Wrath of Iron book report, we go into some talk about what the inside of power armor smells like, what chapter is most likely to wear cardboard and tin foil, back around to what games we have been up to, a solid super plug for Iron Heart Artisans and all sorts of wiener jokes.  So get ready, mix up a nice tall glass of smoothie made from questionably safe fruits and yogurt that have been in the question way past their prime, put on your favorite blue Snuggie and tune in to Mob Rules!