Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

507 | Perfection vs. Excellence



So many people who wrestle with perfectionism never get to excellence. Is that you? Well, maybe you’d say, no Chris, I’m a failure not a perfectionist. It’s ironic, but failure is closer to excellence than you might think, and perfection is actually farther away!Excellence is one of our core values, and it’s the goal that we shoot for all the time. But, as much as we talk about it, we don’t hit the mark every single time. At times, we do fail.Which brings up this question, asked by one of our clients recently. And maybe you’re struggling with the same question: Is excellence the same as perfection?Well, they can be easy to confuse … especially when you don’t understand failure. Which brings us to our topic today. We want to distinguish excellence from perfection.And, that means that we need to define failure first. On today’s episode, we’ll dig into what separates perfection from excellence, and see where failure comes into the mix. If you’re a perfectionist, this episode is for you. If you feel like you’re a