Searching For Clair Huxtable

S3E14 - Two Women = too Many Headaches ... they Poly Lying



Back after forever Maceo & Wae. Open relationships can have a variety of potential problems, including jealousy, insecurity, trust issues, and communication difficulties. It can be challenging to navigate the emotional complexities that can arise when multiple people are involved in a romantic or sexual relationship. Additionally, open relationships may not be socially accepted or understood by friends and family, which can lead to additional stress and tension. It is important for individuals in open relationships to communicate openly and honestly with their partners and to establish clear boundaries and guidelines to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Searching for Clair Huxtable is a Podcast that is about dating Black women from a Black man’s perspective with Maceo & Wae. Listen in for topics like marriage, dating with kids, sex toys, and of course side chicks. Subscribe, Like, & Share on Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Sticher to the Searching for Clair Huxtable podcast and don’t miss li