Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Episode III: "The Heart of the Storm" (K&W Domain Actions!)



"4-5 Ches, 1491 DR - Darkhold Keep, Sunset Vale, Sword Coast, Faerun. The Storm Watch dives deep into the mechanics of MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare with:" - Review of the Martial Regiment Party Sheet - Completion of a Domain Action and Domain Bonus Action via: - Domain Action: The War Room: Where it Happens - Communications Test: Increasing our Communications - Domain Bonus Action: Armament Lore: Join the Storm Watch behind enemy lines as we foray into (and narratively connect all 5E Faerunian adventures!) - a Universe where the Zhentilar has re-formed at full strength, and seeks to overthrow the fascist, despotic regimes of the Hillsfar Alliance, led by the xenophobic Red Plumes under the Command of Vuhm Yestral, Maggarl Helck & Torin Nomerthal, and the hateful Divine Order of Purity led by Dagult Neverember. SOURCEBOOKS: Featuring: MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare and Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim MCDM: Kingdoms & Warfare: Darkhold: