Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Episode IV - The Rogues of Tilverton



"5 Ches, 1491 DR - Tilverton, Western Reaches, The Dales, Faerun. The Storm Watch has departed, the Zhentilar marches to War, and the Entry Gate has been passed. The Storm Watch themselves, after encountering Wandering Clerics of Sune, prepares to engage in "diplomatic" relations with the Rogues of Tilverton, only to discover that the abandoned city of Gond, is far from a heap of rubble and ancient Ruins..." Lore: Join the Storm Watch behind enemy lines as we foray into (and narratively connect all 5E Faerunian adventures!) - a Universe where the Zhentilar has re-formed at full strength, and seeks to overthrow the fascist, despotic regimes of the Hillsfar Alliance, led by the xenophobic Red Plumes under the Command of Vuhm Yestral, Maggarl Helck & Torin Nomerthal, and the hateful Divine Order of Purity led by Dagult Neverember. SOURCEBOOKS: Featuring: MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare and Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim MCDM: Kingdoms & Warfare: