Gerard Frank Long's Podcasts

XMAS 2012 (The Annual - Vol. 12)



These are the songs that in 2012 pushed my buttons, popped my cork and lifted my skirt way over my head. It's a Christmas card of sorts, going out to all those excellent people in my life (many of whom I haven't seen enough of this year.... the false economy of Facebook?). It's also a document of sorts because, let's be frank, there's a fair to middling chance I'll be a nutty old fruitcake one day (I promise to be amusing), and these songs will pull me back into fond memories of people, places, loves and that long drive on the way to somewhere. Music is good like that. Extra baubles go out to those fantastic music fiends who spread the love and point me in the direction of wondrous things (you know who you are). With that in mind, I hope there's even just one song in here that gives you a fuzzy sense of wellbeing. Bonus mix (for dancing' your pants off) is HERE (* A tip: If you import it to iTunes it shows up under podcasts, not in the regular library) Merry Christmas, and all that jazz. x Download episod