Limelight Highlight

Limelight Highlight Ep13.



This week we cover 3 stories1.Rhino deaths decline in South Africa after anti-poaching efforts2.Hero Siblings Save Couple, 11-Day Old Baby From Sinking Car 3.Teen Siblings Create Life Saving AppFor more questions on the podcast, how you can contribute, or how to reach me you can follow and contact me via:Email: LimelightHighlight@gmail.comInstagram: LimelighthighlightFacebook: if there is anyone you'd like to see featured on the podcast or you have any inputs on what should be on the show feel free to contact me via the links above. If you or anyone you know has done something positive be sure to write in for a shoutout and help positivity spread throughout the world. Until next time, "Be humble, be helpful, pay it forward and be the best you! Spread that love!"