
Investment and Collaboration Strategies in Cell and Gene Therapy



This panel, first recorded at the 2022 IO360° Summit addressed: What are the risks and implications of investing in cell/gene therapy companies who have no clinical data from programs available?Venture company perspectives on what they are investing in and why? • What science needs to be seen in order to invest in either a startup or IPO?What are investors/pharma partners looking for and how does that inform what people should be doing?How do we think about partnerships between organizations? Moderated by: Michael Polansky, CEO, Parker Group Panelists: Mark Bonyhadi, PhD, Senior Advisor, Qiming Venture PartnersElaine Cheung, SVP, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, Lyell ImmunopharmaArjun Goyal, MD, MPhil, MBA, Co-founder and Managing Director, Vida Ventures Learn more about the IO360° Summit at