Open Mic With Mike Creed

Open Mic with Mike Creed Ep 53 Not Kiel Reijnen and Alex Howes



THIS EPISODE Mike visits Kiel Reijnen to do a podcast, Alex Howes drops in, it's an awesome recording, and then Mike has a brain fart and accidentally deletes the bulk of the podcast. In a bold and daring move, Mike records an overly-long intro to make up for the deficit, fields questions from Twitter and answers them on-air to pad out the recording. Enjoy this 50-minute monologue showcasing the inner workings of the mind of Creed, 15 minutes of chat with Kiel Reijnen, a couple of minutes where Alex Howes shows up, Kiel's dog barks, and the recording ends. Don't say I didn't warn you. As always, Open Mic with Mike Creed is presented by The Colorado Cyclist, Mike’s very first professional cycling team in 1998. Thanks to everyone at Colorado Cyclist for their support of Mike over the years, and a big thank you to them for stepping up and sponsoring the podcast and offering $50 gift cards to our Twitter contest winners. Please visit their newly redesigned website at and give them a follow on