Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

ChatGPT's Technology Will Be Part of Everything This Year - How AI chatbot ChatGPT changes the phishing game - Microsoft Looking to Invest $10 billion More



ChatGPT's Technology Will Be Part of Everything This Year…ything-this-year/38570/ ChatGPT is a new text-generation tool trained on 40GB of Reddit's data. It can generate long passages of text virtually indistinguishable from human-written prose, which could have enormous implications for everything from customer service chatbots to fake social media accounts. The company behind ChatGPT is also working on ways to detect if the text was generated by ChatGPT or a human—though some experts worry about how bad actors could misuse this technology. The technology has generated random plot descriptions for video games to create plausible-sounding fan fiction about Harry Potter and the Avengers. The latest development in this field is ChatGPT's ability to generate paragraphs, full-length sentences, and even paragraphs. In addition, the system can produce coherent text up to a certain length (currently between 10 and 15 sentences) that humans