Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

483-Let's Talk About Seed Oils



www.harvesteating.com/podcast-1/483-lets-talk-about-seed-oils Today I discuss the idea that seed oil/ vegetable oil might be bad for us. While the medical authorities and online medical sites tout the “heart-healthy benefits” of polyunsaturated oil like canola, corn, soybean, grape seed, etc. many others (including me) doubt these claims and a groundswell of opposition to seed oils and “vegetable” oils is building. I predict many of your favorite snack foods being cooked in fats such as tallow, duck fat, coconut oil, avocado, and olive oil and marketed to those avoiding seed oils. These nasty oils are everywhere and in everything, you can possibly think of, all snacks, chocolates, cookies, cakes, chips, crackers, dressings, condiments such as mayo, BBQ, marinades, etc. So avoiding them takes some discipline and plenty of label-reading. How did industrial seed oils go from being classified as “toxic waste” to enjoying the title of “heart-healthy” fats? As first documented by Nina Teicholz, in her book, The B