Recovering Academic

Season 2 Episode 16: Season 2 Finale



Flowers blooming in the snow. Out of the snow and into Spring! Could there be a better metaphor This is the last episode of our Second season! And it's packed! We answer listener question about balancing work and family in the private sector and the best advice we received that helped us during our career transitions, including applying anyway if you only meet some of the listed qualifications and the usefulness of informational interviews. We also check in with each other about our status and how we're feeling about Recovering Academics a year, a year and a half, and three years out of academia. "I watched a frog jump into a lake, and suddenly, I got it!" - Ian on how realizations occur when you're out doing other things. We talk about design thinking (have you listened to this episode of Hidden Brain?), when creative ideas land in a sudden moment. And last, we also announce a new initiative to launch ahead of series 3. We're turning our @RecovAcad account into a rocur account for fellow recovering acad