Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0145 – Is it Life Affirming or Draining?



Yay! Finally live from the Next to Top Zen Place on the mountain where temps are down and my optimism is up as I ponder a new way to look at choices. We greet 4 new BCs: Cynthia from the Netherlands, Carolyn from Oklahoma, BC Kat from South Jersey and BC North from Illinois. Shout out to BC Josephine for stepping right in to welcome new BC North! I share what I learn about myself from BC Kat's brave and truthful call. Jo from the UK gives her colorful take on Foolish Fun - which triggers a happy memory about my time as an exchange student in Germany. Dawny and Stéfanie from Quebec comment on last show. Mark and I discuss some reasons to exercise given by Stéfanie from Quebec, Jo from the UK, Sue from the UK and Mary S. in the return of our feature, the BC Bravery Sports Report. Mark reveals his surprising new exercise plan.