Inspirational Living: Life Lessons For Success & Happiness

The Arc of the Moral Universe - Morality & Justice



Today's podcast (Episode 48) is dedicated to Martin Luther King. Many people attribute Dr. King with establishing the concept of the arc of the moral universe. But it actually was derived from a sermon by 19th century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, whose works MLK read and admired. This particular sermon dealing with justice and the moral universe can be found in the book 10 Sermons of Religion by Theodore Parker, from which today's podcast has been adapted. Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: I find that justice is the object of my conscience, fitting that, as light the eye and truth the mind. There is a perfect agreement between the moral object and the moral subject. Finding it fits me thus, I know that justice will work for my welfare and that of all humankind. Look at the facts of the world. And you will see a slow but continual and progressive triumph of what is right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe. The arc is a long one; my eye reaches but a little way. I cannot calculate the cu