2 Keto Dudes

Tom Naughton, Fat Head



Carl Franklin and Richard Morris interview the one and only Tom Naughton, software guy turned comedian turned Netflix star. His documentary, Fat Head, was first made in response to the movie 'Supersize Me' in which a perfectly healthy man ate 3 meals a day at McDonalds for 30 days to see what would happen to him. The results weren't good. Tom's response was to prove that he could also eat McDonalds' food for 30 days and stay healthy, even lose weight. During the process of making the film he learned about low-carb high-fat eating, ketogenic diets, and the like. Nowadays Tom is an advocate for the ketogenic lifestyle and is still poking fun at the ignorance that abounds in the world of health and nutrition. Eratta: Richard and Carl both mentioned that Beverly's husband who had the late night low glucose event could have eaten a small bit of fruit to get his blood sugar up. However, Andrew in our forum suggested a better option. A spoonful of coconut oil goes directly to you liver to b