Edge Of Sports

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf Speaks!



This week we talked to Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, former NBA player and legendary athlete-activist about his new book In The Blink of an Eye, his new memoir put out by Kaepernick Publishing. Mahmoud talks about his decision to write about his story, who his influences are, and his decision to team with Kaepernick Publishing.We also have ‘Choice Words’ about Brittney Griner's prison conditions and the pressure we must apply to bring her home. We also have a ‘Just Stand Up’ and 'Just Sit Down’ award to Iranian rock climber Elnaz Rekabi for her brave protest and Draymond Green for an act of inexcusable violence and Washington Commanders owner Dan Snyder whose time may be coming to an end. We also have Jake’s Takes NBA edition. All this and more on this week’s show!Subscribe to The Nation to support all of our podcasts: thenation.com/podcastsubscribe. Mahmoud Abdul-RaufTwitter: @RaufMahmoudhttps://www.kaepernickpublishing.com/in-the-blink-of-an-eyeZirin, On Her Birthday, We Learned About Brittney Griner’s Suffer