Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

493 Holly Worton - The Benefits of Armchair Adventures



I'm back again, with another solo episode! Inspired by an entire week of armchair adventures over the holiday season, I've decided to share my experience with you and remind you of the importance (and pleasure!) of armchair adventures. We don't always need to be on the go—we can balance activity and rest by getting inspired through armchair adventures. In this episode, I talk about the benefits of armchair adventures, and how you can enjoy your own guilt-free adventures from the comfort of your own home.   Listen To This Episode        What You'll Learn What are armchair adventures What I learned from my own armchair adventures The benefits of armchair adventures How to enjoy guilt-free armchair adventures How to have your own armchair adventures   Things I Discussed Ultrarunning Mysticism: Mind, Body, Spirit and the Sacredness of Overcoming Suffering, by Gwendolyn Zywicke  Alone in Wonderland, by Christine Reed  Pilgrimage: Lessons Learned from Solo Walking Three Ancient Ways, by J. F. Penn (advance copy