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"Civil War Voices from York County, PA" with Scott Mingus & James McClure



“Civil War Voices from York County, PA” “Civil War Voices from York County, PA” mixes reminiscences from the inhabitants of York County, Pa., many handed down to descendants, with a strong focus on the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign. Authors Scott Mingus and James McClure have uncovered or received dozens of previously unpublished diaries, journals, Civil War letters from the field, and similar first-person accounts that provide glimpses into the hearts of the soldiers and citizens.  We see the loneliness of a Yorker serving as a guard at Fort Monroe, Va., whose mundane routine is broken by a visit from U.S. Grant and President Lincoln. We see the fear and uncertainty expressed by a worried housewife as rumors of the impending Confederate invasion reach northwestern York County. We hear the defiance in the voice of a former soldier who is willing to pick up the musket again in defense of his country. We hear the voice of a young York man who helps in the gruesome field hospitals at Gettysburg, an experience that