Albuquerque Business Podcast

Say Less, Commit More. | How to Keep your Commitments.



Keeping your commitments is a key factor in becoming a successful leader. It is not just about saying what you will do but also following through with it. Leaders must be honest and have integrity so that they can ensure their followers that their commitments are truthful and reliable. Say Less, Commit More is an important concept for any leader to understand and practice. It involves being mindful of the promises you make and the commitments you take on, as well as being honest about the limits of your abilities. By understanding these concepts, leaders can become more effective communicators and build trust with those around them. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!