Beverly Fells Jones Show

What To Give an Old Person for Chistmas



It is that time of year when many are in a tizzy bout what to give for a Christmas gift. This episode shares with you my idea of what a gift really is and how you can make a person happy with the gift you chose to give. Enjoy today's episode.Be sure to comment or send me an email at beverly@commandingyourlife. Ask me a question and let’s see what my opinion brings out. Upcoming classes and webinars can be found at me as I discuss important aspects of our beliefs and how they affect our lives.================================="Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living." Available on Amazon at would your life be like if you identified and removed the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back? Receive a free 30minute "Breakthrough Strategy Session" to help you get clear on your life?