Beverly Fells Jones Show

Manifestation - True Stories - Magic Happens in Circles



At times life delivers a painful blow. How do you handle devastating news? How can you take painful circumstances and manifest what you need to help you navigate through pain? In this recording, I will be sharing with you an experiment that you can use to truly see if you can manifest something into your life deliberately. Want to try? By doing this experiment, you will allow your belief system about manifesting to be strengthened, Why? Because you now have proof. The more you do the experiment with success the stronger your belief. Join me on this journey of learning how others manifest in their lives and how you can too.Today’s story from the International Best Selling Book “Manifestations: True Stories of Bringing The Imagined Into Reality,” discusses manifesting what you need when you need it. The story I am reading for you is from Gillian Campbell who is a teacher in British Columbia. Her purpose is to share her knowledge and experiences to give children the skills they need to navigate life’s