Casus Belli Podcast

The Saga of World War 2 Ep. 1 (Rebranded from WW2 Chronicles)



The Saga of World War 2 is a sister podcast to Casus Belli and the first few episodes will be available on the Casus Belli feed before I move it over to its own independent podcast. When did World War II begin exactly? Did it begin on December 7th, 1941 when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? For America sure, but it’s not called a World War for nothing. So did it begin in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland and prompted France and the United Kingdom to go to war? Many people count this date as the “official” start of the second world war but simply jumping in then wouldn’t make for a very complete podcast. So we have to go back even further. Before Mussolini invaded Ethiopia, before Japan conquered Manchuria, all the way back to the ending of the First World War.