Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts » Deacon James Keating

SOP4 – Who Are We? Wrestling with God – The School of Prayer: Reflections on the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI w/ Deacon James Keating



Jacob wrestling with Angel. The mystery of the name. We have to let God ask us who we are or will you resist and remain isolated? Our prayer is only going to be fruitful if we surrender ourselves to the question...who are you? Like Jacob, once we give over our name then God can begin to transfigure that name, or in other words, our persons to be more inline with His will, His love, His power. Eventually, in prayer, we have to enter into the struggle...what is really going on in our souls, in our hearts and are our wrestling with God's love. We yield our identity to God's love. The wounding of Jacob by the Angel. It is the symbol of the wound, the opening of the self, which symbolizes an entryway to vulnerability...God is deeply affecting us. God's love, concern, and fascination with us is how He enters into our being and "wounds" us. If we could "be still" and allow Him to love us, He becomes victorious within us. The name we yield to God is our heart...the core of our being. At Baptism, we giv