Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

30 min Yin Yoga for Urinary Bladder Meridian | Energy Reserves & Purification – YWM 637



30 min Yin Yoga for Urinary Bladder Meridian | Energy Reserves & Purification This 30 minute yin yoga for your urinary bladder meridian will support you in building your energy reserves and purifying your body of toxins. Your urinary bladder meridian starts at the inner corners of your eyes, goes up and over your head, down either side of your spine, and down the backs of your legs.In this class we will focus on your urinary bladder meridian as a powerful meridian line for storing energy reserves and purification. Props Needed: wall, yoga strap, folded blanket, bolster 30 minute Yin Yoga Sequence for Urinary Bladder Meridian Eye yoga acupressure Locust Hand to big toe pose Caterpillar Savasana Poetry: Where Many Rivers Meet by David Whyte At the River Clarioin by Mary Oliver In Praise of Water by John O'Donohue   Yin yoga for HSP | Urinary Bladder Meridian-489   Kidney and Bladder Meridians 21   Qigong Flow for Water Element Kidney and B