Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

#Questions - Episode 4 - It's a Nervous Pooper's World and We're Just Living in It



One week in, all resolutions out, Brandon and Trey dig into how the internet has collectively dealt with its failed 2018 resolutions. This week's #Questions @_ibryans - Someone get this man some more bacon @NicoleHajash - A resolution is just as much of a resolution in December as it is in January @_elcush_ - Gotta get those finger reps in @kelly_eberle - She's murdering her resolutions @MeetMeSeries - Ronald McDonald has been put on blast @paige_brumett - You do you and we'll try to come up with better jokes @11MyJam - Make America Poop Again  Dig what you hear? Help us grow: Follow Us on Twitter Get your face on some questions with #QuestionMcQuestionFace Drop us a review on iTunes Drop us a review on Stitcher Support us on Patreon Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/hashtag-questions-with-brandon-and-trey/donations