Hashtag Questions With Brandon & Trey

Episode 95 - Welcome to the HQ Party



The suckiest sucks who have ever sucked.This Week's #Questions@ahniccy - Why does everyone suck?! #askingforafriend@miller304 - What’s the big deal about Disney+? #seriousquestion@beebien1 - How many @BuzzFeed lists can you send to your friends successively until they stop replying? #askingforafriend@AAshlee531 - Is it acceptable for adults to lay on the floor in the fetal position and cry while throwing back unnecessary amounts of coffee!? #askingformyself@ahhsamgrover - How many #oreos make you feel better.. how many make you feel worse? #AskingForAFriend #askingforahomework@Kylie_Cole89 - Is posting a Facebook status to a 1 year old who you know damn well doesn’t have a fb different than posting to dead person?